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A Bangladeshi scientist in the United States showed success in cancer research!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi researchers are no longer lagging behind in the field of research. This time, a Bangladeshi scientist in the United States showed success in cancer research!


We all know that cancer is the most talked about and feared disease nowadays. We have yet to fully conquer incurable diseases like cancer. Various discoveries have been made by researchers at different times. But they are very inadequate. Researchers are working day and night in cancer research.

Although the present age is modern, there is still a lot of ignorance and unconsciousness among people. Different types of cancer can occur in the human body. However, the severity and outcome of all cancers are not the same. If cancer is detected early, it is much easier to treat. Then the possibility of getting rid of this deadly disease increases many times.

We use a variety of methods to detect cancer. These conventional methods of identification have various limitations. And so, researchers are engaged in developing simple and more efficient methods of early stage cancer detection.

The child of Bangladesh. Md. Jasim Uddin is researching such a subject of medical science at Vanderbilt University in America.

According to this Bangladeshi researcher, an enzyme called COX-2 (COX-2) is found to be excessively present in the affected cells in the early stages of cancer. Md. Jasim Uddin and his research team have discovered some of these special photosensitive chemical compounds. Those that are specifically (selectively) associated with the Cox-2 enzyme are able to detect only cancer cells. He said, the matter can be compared to the gnats. Like fireflies glow in the dark, and immediately their presence is felt.

Patented (Patent No. US 2010 / 0254910) one of these chemical compounds is known as Fluorocoxib A (Fluorocoxib A). After being injected into the animal body, it binds to the COX-2 enzyme and causes intense inflammation. Although very small amounts of COX-2 enzyme are present in the affected cells, they are easily detected. This new discovery was first published in 2010 in an international medical journal (Cancer Research, 2010, 70, 3618-3627).

In addition to various honors after publicity in the international media, in recognition of this success, Dr. Omics (Omics International) Group also received a recognition certificate in 2013. Md. Jasim Uddin. Dr. hopes to apply this technology to the human body very soon. Md. Jasim Uddin. He thinks that skin, bladder, esophageal and colon cancer can be detected at an early stage with the compound.

This researcher md. Jasim Uddin was born in Batiya village of Noakhali. He is Haji Md. First child of Hanif Uddin and Begum Safia Khatun. He grew up in Jigatla, Dhaka. After completing his secondary examination from Rifles Public School and College, Dhaka, he was admitted to the Chemistry Department of Dhaka University. His research manuscript with Professor Ghiyas Uddin Ahmed. After completing his studies at the university, he started his career in the antibiotic plant of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Company. Then in 1997, he went to Japan's Shinshu University with a Monbusho scholarship from the Japanese government.

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