The Dhaka Times
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Revealing the mystery behind the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us know the story of ships and planes disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle. But why is this? Now the secret behind that has been revealed!


Scientists themselves have come forward to reveal the mystery that existed for a long time. Scientists have established a new theory to solve this mystery.

The Bermuda Triangle is the most mysterious area in the world, spread over an area of about 5 lakh square kilometers in the Atlantic Ocean. It is said that around 75 airplanes and more than 100 ships have mysteriously disappeared while crossing this region. Therefore, various imaginations have been created around this region at different times.

Some say that the area is actually inhabited by extraterrestrials. Someone thought that there was a hidden empire in the depths of the Atlantic. Needless to say, none of these theories are scientific. But this time scientists have set up a new theory to solve this mystery.

Now a group of scientists have researched and think that a hexagonal cloud layer that is permanent in this region is behind the disappearance of ships and airplanes. Scientists claim that this hexagonal cloud layer creates 'air bombs'. That is why the weather in the Bermuda Triangle is always very bad. Basically ships and airplanes get lost due to this bad weather. Finally it collapses and sinks into the ocean.

Meteorologist Randy Cerveni, who is part of the scientific team, explained to the media that such air bombs are actually made of material called microbursts. Due to this, the wind descends from the cloud with high velocity. Wind gusts could be as high as 170 miles per hour. This high-speed wind descends and at one point hits the sea surface and is thrown around. Due to which a vortex of high speed wind is formed in the Bermuda Triangle. Ships and airplanes are subject to this circulation. Sarveni claims that this hexagonal cloud layer has also been captured in NASA satellite images.

Scientists have previously given a scientific explanation for the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. In March of this year, a group of scientists claimed that airplanes and ships passing through the area were completely destroyed by the continuous explosions from the mouth of a volcano, which lies 150 feet under the sea and extends for about a mile and a half in the Bermuda Triangle.

But this time Sarveni and his colleagues presented a different theory. It remains to be seen how much logical basis this theory has. The same question in everyone's mind, so what is really going to break the mystery of so many years?

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