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This time bacteria will produce electricity!

The Dhaka Times Desk Until now, electricity was produced using oil, coal, solar cells, etc. Scientists have found a great way to light the electric lamp. They will use bacteria to light the electric lamp!


Such a novel invention has been made by researchers at Newcastle University in the UK. They have adapted E.coli bacteria for use in electrical engineering and synthetic biology. By which organic electrical circuits are made. Because it will give light and glow like an electric bulb!


Reportedly, to create this circuit, the researchers genetically modified the E. coli bacteria. When the lamp is turned on, the bacteria receive heat or electrical current from a microbial fuel cell, the researchers say. Such fuel cells are made from microorganisms. As they can generate electricity, they also act like batteries.


The scientists also said that various insects, including gnats, also have a protein-producing gene for naturally producing light. The new E. coli bacteria will also produce such proteins themselves under special conditions due to genetic modification. Due to which light or light can be created.

The researchers said they used this bacterial protein to create a circuit and the necessary power source to light the lamp. Due to which it will be possible to control the lamp very easily. Researchers are continuing further research in this regard.

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