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A city where every house has an airplane!

The Dhaka Times Desk Garage next to the house, you think there must be a nice car in that garage. But no, there are no cars, there are airplanes!

এমন এক শহর, যেখানে প্রত্যেক বাড়িতে রয়েছে এরোপ্লেন! 1

But there is no reason to think. You might think it's a story, but actually it's not, there are cities on earth where there are no garages at home, there are hangars for keeping airplanes, there are private planes!

Spruce Creek is a city in Florida, USA. Whereas most houses have at least one airplane. About 5000 people live in this city. There are about 1300 houses here. There are about 700 airplanes in this city. The city has a 4,000-foot-long and 500-foot-wide runway where residents' airplanes can race through the sky. The city also has several air clubs, airplane rental agencies, flight training facilities and 24-hour security.

Many famous people have lived in Spruce Creek at various times. Among them is Hollywood actor John Travolta. However, the roar of his Boeing 707 engine was so high that he had to leave the area in the end due to complaints from neighbors!

A variety of airplanes can be found at home in Spruce Creek. Boeings are there, as well as planes such as Kesnas, Pipers, P-51 Mustang, French Fog Magister or Russian MiG-15 can be seen in the hangars near the houses.

The question may arise, how can almost every resident of an area own an airplane? So is this the richest city in the world? In fact, only those who can afford to travel by private plane come to live in the small town of Spruce Creek considering the many amenities. And most of them are professional pilots.

Apart from this, there are also doctors, lawyers or land traders. Every Sunday local residents gather near the local runway with their planes. Then fly in small groups to the nearest airport for breakfast! This popular tradition is also known as 'Saturday Morning Gagel' to the locals. So what else! If you have the money, you can also move to the town of Spruce Creek. You can go there and learn to fly. And can run independently!

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