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Not for developed countries, Bangladesh will be the home of Nokia 3310!

The popular mobile phone Nokia 3310 is back with a slight change

The Dhaka Times Desk At the 'Mobile World Congress' held in Barcelona, Spain, the once popular mobile phone Nokia 3310 is back again with a slight change. But not for developed countries, Bangladesh will be the home of Nokia 3310!

উন্নত দেশের জন্য নয়, বাংলাদেশই হবে নকিয়া ৩৩১০ এর আবাসস্থল! 1

Unfortunately, after a really long time, the once popular Nokia 3310 set has started to be marketed again. However, this new Nokia 3310 phone cannot be used in some other countries including the United States, Canada, Australia and Singapore.

The reason for this is that this old Nokia handset supports 2G network. In these developed countries, there is no network of this generation anymore. US, Canada, Australia have long since upgraded to 3G and 4G services. Besides, the 900 and 1800 Hz frequency of Nokia 3310 does not support the frequency of those countries.

Nokia 3310 of yesteryear

2G is closing in Singapore from next April. Singapore's telephone network company Star Hub said that from April, data, voice calls, SMS - nothing on the 2G network will work in Singapore. So it can be said for sure that Nokia 3310 will not work in the country.

According to Nokia, countries in West Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa region have an ideal market for their new phones. But many say that this phone will not work at all when traveling abroad. According to them, it is not possible to talk to family members without being connected to a network with only a good battery backup.

Note that the Nokia 3310 phone set has been released in the market with color display, small camera and powerful battery features.

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