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The president of Brazil left home in fear of ghosts!

রাজধানী ব্রাসিলিয়ায় অফিস থেকে বাড়ি ফেরার সময় ভূতেরাই নাকি তাঁর গাড়ি চালিয়েছেন!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many are afraid of ghosts. But this time, the president of Brazil, Michael Temer, is afraid of ghosts! Forced to change the house!

ব্রাজিলের প্রেসিডেন্ট ভূতের ভয়ে বাড়ি ছাড়লেন! 1

Recently, such news was published in a Brazilian weekly newspaper. Where Brazilian President Michael claims the house he lives in is haunted. Not only that, Michael also claimed that Bhuterai drove his car while returning home from the office in the capital Brasilia!

A few days ago Temer said that he will no longer stay in the 'Alovorada' Palace allocated for the President. Go back to the previous palace. Similarly, Jabaru Palace, where he lived during his tenure as Vice President, returned with his wife and 7-year-old son. 76-year-old Michael said, 'There's something here, I couldn't sleep from the first day. There is an evil force here. Again and again I felt it. My wife Marcela agrees with me. He also sensed someone's presence. Only our son Michaeljinho loved this house. We have repeatedly felt that there must be ghosts in the house.'

It is known that Tamer also brought a weight to exorcise the ghost, so that it is possible to stop this ghostly act. But in the end that effort was not successful.

It should be noted that not only the ghost of the house, but the current president Michael Tamer is also cornered politically. Temer and many in his party have been accused of corruption. There is even a court case going on about this.

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