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259 people died in Brazil due to yellow fever

The number of people affected by this disease has increased to 756 people

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 259 people have died of yellow fever or yellow fever in Brazil this year, according to the country's government. They mostly lived in the south-eastern part of the country.

হলুদ জ্বরে ব্রাজিলে ২৫৯ জনের মৃত্যু 1

In an announcement last Friday, the country's Ministry of Health announced that 259 people have died of the disease so far. Another 47 people are expected to die from the disease.

The number of people affected by this disease has increased to 756 people. In addition, health authorities are testing another 622 people suspected of having yellow fever, Xinhua and The Indian Express reported.

It is known that the most people have been affected by this disease in the southeastern states of Brazil, Minas Gerais and Spirito Santo. According to media reports, 488 and 234 people have been diagnosed with the disease in the two states respectively. In addition, deaths from yellow fever have also occurred in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

It should be noted that this yellow fever has spread in the form of the worst epidemic in a few decades. The country's authorities have already distributed more than two crore vaccines to combat the disease.

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