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Wife told how bin Laden was killed that day!

This is the first time a member of bin Laden's family has told Asar how he was killed that day

Local residents watch ongoing demolition of the compound where Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was slain last year in the northwestern town of Abbottabad on February 26, 2012. Pakistani security forces began demolishing the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed in a covert US raid. last May in the garrison town of Abbottabad, police and witnesses said. AFP PHOTO / AAMIR QURESHI (Photo credit should read AAMIR QURESHI/AFP/Getty Images)

The Dhaka Times Desk Even though it has been a long time since bin Laden was killed, stories of killing him are heard from time to time. Now it has emerged how bin Laden was killed that day. Laden's wife said that.

স্ত্রী জানিয়েছেন লাদেনকে সেদিন হত্যা করা হয়েছিল কীভাবে! 1

The United States government, special forces, Navy SEALs, and intelligence agencies have repeatedly described how bin Laden was killed. This is the first time a member of bin Laden's family has told Asar how he was killed that day.

A recent book on Bin Laden's life was written by Cathy Scott Clark and Adrian Levy. In an interview, Amal, the youngest wife of bin Laden, narrated the events of that day to both of them. The memory of Amal, the youngest wife of bin Laden, was highlighted in the report of The Sunday Times.

In the interview, Amal said, Osama bin Laden was hiding in a house in the city of Abbottabad, Pakistan with his wife and children. They hid there for almost 6 years. The incident of May 1, 2011. A US Army Black Hawk helicopter flew there. Amal said that she saw a look of fear on her husband's face.

Amal also said that as the soldiers approached the house, she and bin Laden's two other wives went upstairs with their children and prayed. Bin Laden then ordered them to come downstairs. Said, 'They want me, not you.' Meanwhile, Amal stayed with her husband with her son Hussain. Meanwhile, US Navy SEALs entered the house and killed bin Laden's son, Khalid. On the way, they met two other daughters of bin Laden, Sumaiya and Maryam. One of them informed the soldiers about bin Laden's location.

Amal said, at one point, soldiers entered bin Laden's room. He and his son Hussain were with him there. When he tried to stop them, the soldiers advanced by shooting him in the leg. Amal went to Laden with a little hesitation. However, by then, Laden was shot dead. That day, sitting next to his mother, the infant son Hussain saw his father's murder with his own eyes.

While commemorating, Amal also said that after the killing of bin Laden, the soldiers took his second wife Khairiyah and two daughters Sumaiya and Maryam to the side of bin Laden's body. Then they identified bin Laden. After the identification, the Navy SEALs left with Laden's body.

Amal also said that Laden never thought that the house could be attacked. So he had no prior plans at that time. They never discussed such a gruesome murder in the last moments of her husband's life.

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