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Know 20 tips to survive the dreaded cancer

The Dhaka Times Deskcancer A disease that once appears in the body, often cannot be prevented even by medicine. Certain lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of developing cancer. in life 20 Correct Approaches If you do, you can be very safe from the risk of cancer.


1. Avoiding smoking: If you smoke even one cigarette every day, your risk of cancer increases. Smoking makes you more likely to develop cancer in kidney, lips, mouth, lance. Avoid smoking during your period. Avoid smoking because people who smoke are exposed to the same amount of smoke as a non-smoker.

2. Do not use old pots and pans: You should change the old pots and pans in your kitchen now. Because studies have shown that old pots increase the risk of cancer. Cooking in old pots and pans can cause cancer during cooking Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is produced. This acid gradually causes the spread of cancer in the human body.

3. Avoiding harmful sun rays: Although the sun is the main source of beneficial vitamin “D” for your body, it is the sun that is mainly responsible for skin cancer. If you don't take real steps to avoid the sun's harmful rays, your risk of skin cancer will increase. You must be harmful to the sun UV rays should be avoided. And wear sunscreen lotion and clothes that cover the body when going out.

4. Keeping the body weight right: Obesity increases the risk of various cancers in your body. You must maintain a healthy body weight to reduce the risk of cancer.

5. Regular cancer check should be done: Get your cancer screened at least once a year. As a result, you will know at an early stage if there are any cancer germs in your body. And if there is, then you can take measures for it in an early way. Cancer is curable if it is caught at an early stage, but if it is late, the chances of cure are very low.

6. Eat vegetables and fruits regularly Change your eating habits. Keep 5 types of vegetables and fruits in your diet every day. Try to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables every day. As a result, your risk of cancer will be greatly reduced.

7. Regular walking and exercise: Walking and exercise will not only save you from the risk of cancer but will also improve your health. So play and walk regularly every day.

8. Be careful using soap and cosmetics Soaps and various cosmetics can cause more harm than good to your body. So you have to be careful in using these. Soaps and toiletries contain anti-bacterial Triclosan which is responsible for cancer.

9. Keep the amount of alcohol in order: Drinking a lot of alcohol is enough to cause cancer in your body. Therefore, if you want to drink alcohol, keep the amount right.

10. Know your family history: Find out if anyone in your family has had cancer before. Because some cancers like- Colon cancer, Breast cancer And Ovarian cancer Family sources are nested in the body. If someone in your family has had this type of cancer, still talk to your doctor.

11. Be stress free: Stress causes all sorts of damage to your body. Stress is yours The immune system Waste increases your risk of cancer. So you can do your favorite work or spend time with family to reduce stress.

12. Use technology safely: Keep your mobile phone frequency low. Because the frequency of talking on the mobile for a long time can damage your brain. According to the cancer research report, due to the mobile frequency of people Brain cancer Rates are increasing at an alarming rate.

13. Eat less meat: Eating too much meat can also give you cancer. So eat meat in moderation.

14. Wash the fruit before eating You must make sure that all the fruits you eat are washed properly before eating. Because these fruits may contain various chemicals and germs as a result of preservation. So you must wash the fruit before eating it.

15. Safe sex: Studies have shown that your safe sex is the result of you yourself HPV – a sexually transmitted disease Can be kept safe from. HPV causes many types of cancer. As a result of safe sex, you HIV You will be protected from danger. HIV infection can cause many types of cancer in the body.

16. Avoid unnecessary scans: Unnecessary scans expose your body to various types of harmful rays, increasing your risk of cancer. Especially without need CT scans And X-rays avoid

17. Avoid fried and fried foods: Researchers have confirmed that the fat burned in the meat as a result of frying is responsible for cancer. In this case, you can eat it by cooking or boiling it.

18. Do not ignore any pain If you feel any pain and bleeding in your body for a long time, then you must consult a doctor. Because these are symptoms of cancer.

19. Boil water and drink: Make sure the water you drink is sterile. Because water contains various germs which can cause cancer.

20. Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water can significantly reduce your cancer risk. Due to lack of waterBladder cancer"Maybe. Drinking enough water daily can prevent this type of cancer.

Data sources: The Times of India.

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