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An inhuman incident: millionaire children's 'Father's body in Anjumane'!

I want to curse those inhumans named people

The Dhaka Times Desk The word humanity has no meaning in the world if the father of millionaire children has to be an heirless corpse. We may not know how many events are happening in the world every day. But two events move our hearts. Today's incident is equally heart-wrenching. After reading this incident, I could not write for the readers.

এক অমানবিক ঘটনা: কোটিপতি সন্তানদের ‘বাবার লাশ আঞ্জুমানে’! 1

How strange is this world. We have to write about such events. Again we have to read such incidents. I want to curse those inhumans named people. I will tell the story of the father one day this father was a millionaire. He established the children. Has written everything in their name, house and car. Then one day the father realizes that he is becoming a 'dirt' to his children. There comes a time when the children drive him out of the house! At one point, the father died suddenly. When the child was informed to take the body, he asked to give the body to Anjuman Mofidul Islam saying that he is in an emergency meeting!

Chairman of Regent Hospital Mohammad Shahed shared a true story with everyone. Last Monday at 10 pm, he wrote on his Facebook that - 'A true story, everyone is requested to read.'

What was in that status of Mohammad Shahed? Let's find out:

The man's name is Hamid Sarkar. He was a government official. His village home is Jamalpur. I am telling the source of his identity with me later.

When I inaugurated the first branch of Regent Hospital in Uttara, the then OC of Uttara West Police Station and the Imam of the mosque came to me. They say that a man has been lying outside the mosque for a long time. Many people think he is a beggar and are giving alms of two to four rupees to him.

Imam Sahib himself is giving the man some portion of the food sent for him. They abandoned me because the man fell ill suddenly. In such a case I bring the man to my hospital and treat him. Inform the doctor in charge and all other officers/employees that I take full responsibility for the treatment of this man and that there is no error in his treatment.

I was quite surprised to find out about the man named Hamid Sarkar. He is a retired Zonal Settlement Officer. 3 of his 3 sons are wealthy. He has his own house in Sector 3, Uttara, which he has named after his sons. His elder son is a doctor. He lives with his wife, Shali and mother-in-law in his own flat, but there is no place for his old father.

Mejho is a businessman, he also has his own huge flat. Where parties are often held with foreign business guests. But his father is lying on the street without food. The little boy is also in good condition. But cannot keep father in his flat to satisfy his wife. Even though all the children are independent, there is a place for the father in the balcony of the mosque! Finally from there to my hospital.

Incidentally, I try to give blood myself when a patient comes to my hospital and needs blood. That day also I gave blood to a sick man named Hamid Sarkar. Surprisingly, even though she was under treatment in my hospital on the 15th day, no boy looked for her even for fifteen minutes!

More tragically, Hamid died of another cardiac attack fifteen days later despite his best efforts. After his death I called his eldest son. He replied to me that he was in an urgent meeting and that the body was handed over to Anjuman Mofidul Islam. Later, without getting any response from any relatives, I buried his body locally with due dignity on my own initiative.

I did not write this article for any kind of praise. Today I am a father myself. I am alone day and night for the child's happiness. How would I feel if that child ever behaved like this? Just writing this from this feeling.

A question in my mind, those of us who disrespect our parents, don't we ever think that one day we will stand in that place ourselves?

Today I am treating my parents, if my child will treat me that day? Today our parents are enduring. Can we bear it tomorrow?'

After reading the above statements of Mohammad Shahed, chairman of Regent Hospital, we think that the word 'humanity' should be removed from the dictionary? What if we were born as human beings in the world in vain?

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