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A ruler got the city as a wedding pledge!

Timur Shah Durrani was originally the second ruler of the Durrani Empire

The Dhaka Times Desk A truly exceptional bet. Such a thing has never been heard before. Today there is a story of a ruler who got the city as a marriage pledge!

এক শাসক বিয়ের পণ হিসেবে পেয়েছিলেন শহর! 1

The name of this ruler was Timur Shah Durrani. He was born in Mashhad in 1748. Timur Shah Durrani was originally the second ruler of the Durrani Empire. Timur Shah Durrani was the eldest son of Ahmad Shah Durrani.

Timur Shah Durrani was the ruler from October 16, 1772 until his death in 1793.

Timur Shah Durrani married the daughter of the Mughal Emperor Alamgir II. That is why he rose to power so quickly. He received the city of Sirhind as a wedding gift (pan). He later became the governor of Punjab, Kashmir and Sirhind.

Timur Shah Durrani ruled from Lahore under the supervision of his guardian vizier and general Jahan Khan. These territories remained under him from May 1757 to April 1758. He was defeated by the Sikhs in the Battle of Gohalwar.

The Sikhs received the help of Adina Beg Khan, the governor of Jullundur Doab. Moreover the Maratha Peshwa Raghunath Rao assisted them. Due to which Timur Shah Durrani and Jahan Khan were expelled from Punjab.

Timur Shah Durrani shifted his capital from Kandahar to Kabul. Also in 1776 Peshawar was made the winter capital. Timur Shah Durrani died in 1793. Then his fifth son Zaman Shah Durrani took over as ruler. He was buried in Kabul. His tomb is there.

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