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A blood test will detect cancer

Medical scientists have now developed a new and easy way to detect and eliminate cancer

The Dhaka Times Desk No need to wait for years like before. You don't have to go through the trouble of running tests again and again. Only one blood test will detect cancer.

একবার রক্ত পরীক্ষা করলেই ধরা পড়বে ক্যান্সার রয়েছে কিনা 1

Medical scientists have now developed a new and easy way to detect and eliminate cancer. From now on, it will be possible to detect and treat various types of cancer by doing a blood test, medical scientists said. A group of researchers from John Hopkins University has made such a groundbreaking invention for medical science.

Researchers have identified 8 common types of cancer using this method. They started such experiments with the aim of saving lives by detecting cancer at an early stage. Their discovery has been called very surprising by UK experts. Researchers are working on a blood test that can detect tiny traces of tumor-altered DNA and proteins in the bloodstream.

Researchers say they developed the method by studying changes in 16 genes that grow in cancer and eight proteins released in the patient's blood. They also applied the method experimentally on 1,500 patients with ovarian, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, colon, lung or breast cancer. This test can detect 70 percent of cancers.

John Hopkins University School of Medicine physician Christian Tomasetti said, 'Early detection of cancer is very important. It gives very good results. I think that this invention will be able to reduce the death rate of cancer patients to a great extent.'

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