The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Today's Item 'Mutton Korma'

The Dhaka Times Desk We can cook delicious food at home. If you pay attention, you will see that it is not impossible to prepare these interesting dishes. We will introduce all kinds of recipes in front of you in stages. Today's item is Mutton Korma.

matan Raita


  • # 500 grams of beef
  • # Bata Coconut Half Cup
  • # Onion Kucha Half Cup
  • # almond batter, ginger batter 2 tbsp
  • # garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • # milk half cup
  • # sugar 1 tbsp
  • # cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black pepper, bay leaf as per quantity
  • # Salt to taste
  • # Oil Half Cup
  • # ghee 2 tbsp
  • # white chili powder 2 tbsp
  • # Jaiphal Jayatri, cumin powder 1 tbsp
  • # (if you want you can use 1 tsp guamuri powder)
  • # 5 green chillies.
  • Method:

    First, the meat should be washed well with salt in water. So that there is no blood in the flesh. Wash several times with water. After draining the water well, add oil, ginger, garlic, almonds, coconut batter and garam masala and white pepper powder in a pan/frying pan and fry it in the oven with little water. When the water dries up and the oil comes out of the meat, then Dhamam should be done with hot water with sufficient amount of jaiphal, jaitri, cumin powder. When the meat is hot, simmer it for a while with ghee, milk and green chillies and serve hot. If you want, you can use onion grill.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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