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Punishment for minor crimes at the airport will be 'reading books'!

In addition to major harassment-crimes, some minor level of harassment is also avoided

The Dhaka Times Desk Just a few days ago we saw a judge ordering a criminal to recite Surah Al Imran as punishment. The Magistrate of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport is going to introduce a similar system of judgment. As punishment for crimes at the airport, 'read books'!

বিমানবন্দরে ছোটখাটো অপরাধের শাস্তি হবে 'বই পড়া'! 1

Such an exceptional incident has been reported from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in the capital Dhaka. Several news media have published news about this. Anyone who commits a crime at the airport will be forced to read books as punishment! This exceptional initiative is going to be taken up by the office of the airport magistrate. The process is currently in the early stages. Media reports said that the matter will be finalized soon.

The international airport employs a large number of manpower in a total of four shifts. In addition to major harassment-crimes, some minor level of harassment is also avoided. Like taking 50/100 rupees in exchange for a trolley, some such crimes are repugnant.

Until now, financial penalties were imposed for these petty crimes. However, their jobs would also go away. For that reason two types of problems had to be faced such as, one. Two minor sins would have been punished. The new recruits start harassing apprentice roles with renewed enthusiasm.

Airport Duty Magistrate Yusuf said that there can be no stronger punishment than knowledge. There is no substitute for light to remove darkness. From now on, a book will be handed over to anyone caught in a petty crime. He has to pass the exam by submitting the books after a week. It may seem like a punishment in their eyes, but a reward in my eyes.

For these criminals to read, there will be all kinds of books. But there will be novels based on the liberation war. These are in the first row of the first self. The accused can freely browse the bookshelf and select books. In this way, as an added bonus, he will be introduced to the names of many books in the beginning.

Magistrate Yusuf also said, "We don't want to go too hard at the initial stage." We will focus on fun and simple novels. The purpose is to instill the fun of reading books, just sow the seeds of that addiction. After the second catch, the syllabus will become more difficult, subject and essence will dominate. It is called slow poisoning.

Yusuf said that the book cannot be returned after reading. The accused will own the book and keep it carefully at home. Other family members including children may also be interested in reading books at home sometime in the future. Accused alone will purchase a new book and submit it to the library. After reading, the story of the novel should be shortened and written by the writer in his own way. Whether he knows the story or not, he will be tested orally in a short time.

Yusuf also said, I and my colleague will take the oral test. You understand, we cannot become examiners without reading. So readership will grow exponentially. What is the next step if you fail the exam? It has been said in that question, there will be introduction of one-plus referred system system. A new book will be given along with the previous book without any discussion and another week will be given. In this way, the number of books in his head will continue to increase.

The magistrate also said that an important point is being left out. If no one among the many, including the cleaners, knows how to read at all, or only has signatures, how will they read? The answer is quite simple. They will not read, they will learn to read. For them, books of the 'childhood education' level will be kept!

This is how the punishment for petty crimes of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport is being provided. So that they can lead a normal life.

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