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Match fixing

Sreesanth in the movie now!

The Dhaka Times Desk Indian national team cricketer Sreesanth, accused of spot-fixing, has now signed up for Tamil and Malayalam films as the main characters. It was thought that his career would be threatened after being implicated in match-fixing allegations.

No quick fix for Indian cricket: Dalmiya

The Dhaka Times Desk Jagmohan Dalmiya, who has taken over the board's day-to-day administrative duties in place of the recently resigned BCCI president, has said that he is enthusiastic about restoring the reputation of Indian cricket but is not hopeful of any immediate results.

Ten cricket stars banned for match fixing

The Dhaka Times Desk Cricket is called a gentleman's game. But the taint of match-fixing over the years has left a terrible mark on this title, above all on the beauty of the game. If you look at the history of cricket, it can be seen that before many players...