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What time of the day is the body lotion more work?
The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone needs to use hand and foot moisturizer in winter. Do you know when to use body lotion and moisturizer? To know more read details -
Things to never do to keep your skin healthy
The Dhaka Times Desk Taking care of the skin is not very easy during this time i.e. monsoon season. Some mistakes to keep your skin healthy…
Make up and hide the extra fat on the face!
The Dhaka Times Desk 'Double chin' can be easily hidden if you know the right makeup. Now you might be thinking, how is this…
Rooptan will not be erased even if wet in the rain! How?
The Dhaka Times Desk The rain didn't wash your face. How is this possible? Here are some tips today. To know more read details -
Many people mistakenly think that they are 20 years old! But why?
The Dhaka Times Desk He is over thirty! But there is no way to understand him. Some of his followers...
Learn easy ways to remove makeup
The Dhaka Times Desk Dressing up becomes the main task of women whenever they go to any event. So take it as you wish...
To remove roughness of hair
The Dhaka Times Desk Dry and coarse hair is not desirable for any woman. Weather, dust, dirt make hair rough, dry and lifeless. Know what to do to remove roughness of hair. To know more read details -
Few foods for beautiful skin
The Dhaka Times Desk We do many things for the health of the body. It also affects the skin. When it comes to skin we…
How to remove acne scars?
The Dhaka Times Desk Both men and women can have acne problems. Hormonal problems, bad weather, dust, sun,…
What to do to take care of oily skin
The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have problems with oily skin. Because this skin needs to be taken care of a lot. Bacterial infection is more due to the small amount of dust and sand stuck in this type of skin. Learn some tips for taking care of oily skin today. To know more read details -
Coffee can be a cosmetic tool
The Dhaka Times Desk It is hard to find a person who does not like coffee. But coffee is not only invigorating but…
Some natural masks in beauty care
The Dhaka Times Desk The use of masks in cosmetics is not new. However, there are a few natural masks in beauty today. which are your…
Why go to sleep with clean face at night?
The Dhaka Times Desk Washing your face before going to sleep at night is very healthy for our skin. The reason is that our skin becomes very dull after all day stress. To know more read details -
Know the use of eggs in cosmetics
The Dhaka Times Desk How many people do nothing to make themselves beautiful! Cosmetics with various harmful chemicals…
Use chocolate-pomegranate for skin
The Dhaka Times Desk Keeping a healthy body is very important for beautiful skin. But many for beautiful skin…