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How to send encrypted email to avoid surveillance?

The Dhaka Times Desk Maybe you want to escape Prism's surveillance or prefer privacy in private communications. Or maybe you love fiddling with secret codes. Infoencrypt is there for you. A great free tool called that will make your messages unintelligible to anyone but the recipient. It looks like this:

screen shot 2013-06-12 at 4.08.10 pm

There is no complexity in the use or appearance of the tool. There is a field to type the message, another field is there to type the password. In InfoEncrypt any message can be encrypted with a password and later decrypted using the password.

Let's say you encrypt the message “hello world”, using “diehard3” as the password. The result will look like this:

screen shot 2013-06-12 at 4.12.18 pm

It successfully encodes any message in such a way that no third party other than the recipient can read the message. You just need to copy-paste the encrypted message and send the email. If the sender wants to read the mail, then he has to copy the message and paste it again in the same tool and press the decrypt button with the correct password and the original message will come out immediately.

The encryption method used in this tool is quite efficient, as it does not involve "one for one" character substitutions like p for h or 2 for f. The method used in this tool allows the computer to use one character as a substitute for many characters. Also, the number of characters in the original message does not match the number of characters in the encoded message. It is a great tool for anyone who wants to protect their data.

But despite all this, ultimately the security, privacy of your information depends on the password or key word you set. InfoEncrypt tells you to create strong passwords:

– To use a password of at least 8 characters
– Do not use simple passwords like “123456” or “asdfg” as they are easily cracked.
– To send password by other means than sending password with encrypted messenger
– To use a different password for each message
Download the software from this link: Infoencrypt


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