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Wi-Fi radio waves can detect your hand signal

The Dhaka Times Desk Gesture control is no longer impossible. The technology of playing gesture games has been around for a long time. University of Washington A team of researchers has developed a system that Wi-Fi Human movements can be detected using radio waves. It is named WiSee or We See. Under the system, using Wi-Fi, a user can give gesture instructions at any distance.


WiSee can detect any movement. Its capacity is quite effective even with many rooms, wall thickness. Individual signals from the same place can be distinguished by different people. This project requires an algorithm that takes lessons from the modified wave divided into smaller parts by changing the spectrum. It is remarkably sensitive and realistic compared to other gesture controlled technologies.

WiSee can detect 9 different signal types. 94% worked correctly. The system could later be controlled by voice or sound, the research team said. They also said that the user can make the signal according to his wishes, the signal will also work by imitating his gestures. The best part is, you don't need to wear anything different on your body to operate the system. Work can be done with Wi-Fi device, receiver. In Wi-Fi, the waves generated by your door will carry a specific signal language. which will instruct the system to perform the specified task. See more in the video:

So far, the research team has successfully used the system to control several devices. It has become possible to control various simple household tasks including changing the TV channel, turning off the TV, turning off the lights. Researcher Dalat said that this technology will be further developed. The research was submitted to the 19th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking in September.

References: Geek System

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