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Is there really ice on the moon?

Scientists have confirmed the existence of ice on the moon from the pictures taken by Chandrayaan-1

The Dhaka Times Desk Various unknown facts of the universe are being revealed day by day, yet many questions remain in people's minds. Moon is the only satellite of the earth, there are different opinions surrounding this moon. One such issue is whether the moon has ice or not. In various studies of different times, many people thought that there is ice on the moon, but no one could say anything for sure.

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However, NASA space scientists have confirmed the existence of ice on the moon from the pictures taken by Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft sent by ISRO. A research report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Saturday 20 August 2018 has confirmed evidence of ice on the moon's soil. Scientists took this as good news. NASA, the world's largest, most popular and trusted space research agency, has announced on Twitter that there is a large amount of ice on the two poles of the Moon.

They confirmed from the images taken by Chandrayaan-1, that ice is frozen in large craters at the South Pole. On the other hand, the ice is scattered in the North Pole. NASA lunar scientist Sarah Noble said, "Because there is a lot of ice at the two poles of the moon, it is not yet possible to say with certainty how much water there is." Because sunlight does not reach the poles of the moon, those regions are extremely dark and very cold. Temperatures are typically minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit.

In the past, many scientists found indirect evidence of the possibility of ice on the Moon's south pole. However, due to lack of direct evidence, they did not give any definite opinion. ISRO's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft carries NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper mission's M3 instrument that analyzes the collected data. Emtri also helped scientists discover water on the moon in 2009. MTHRI is an imaging spectrometer capable of measuring light wavelengths. It informs scientists about the structure of materials. Emtree is a very successful device.

However, scientists believe that there is ice not only in the two poles but in many other places on the moon. This good news has made scientists' research on human habitation on the moon much easier. They hope that they will soon succeed in researching the habitable environment on the moon.

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