The Dhaka Times
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Now you can find dung soap on Amazon!

This dung soap can be bought on the popular e-commerce company Amazon as an initiative of India's Deen Dayal Dham.

The Dhaka Times Desk Little has been written about cow urine. Now the discussion has started with dung. And that is now or dung soap can be found on Amazon!

এবার গোবরের সাবান পাওয়া যাবে অ্যামাজনে! 1

How many times we have to see! After extensive discussions on cow urine, now comes the news of dung! Now you can get dung soap online, you can also get cow urine shampoo. Online shopping for cow dung and cow urine started long ago. Now the dung soap came in the market. Deendayal Dham, an RSS-run pharmacy company, is bringing this dung soap to the market.

This dung soap can be bought on the popular e-commerce company Amazon as an initiative of India's Deen Dayal Dham. As well as many herbal cosmetics and medical products available online.

According to media reports, RSS-run pharmacy company Deen Dayal Dham will sell 30 types of products, which they claim are very beneficial for the body.

Deen Dayal Dham Joint Secretary Manish Gupta told the media that various Ayurvedic products are being prepared keeping in mind the needs of the common people. On the other hand, the demand for products made of cow urine will gradually increase, claimed Manish Gupta, joint secretary of Deen Dayal Dham.

Note that the price of cow urine is higher than cow milk in India. Those concerned claim that cow urine has various medicinal properties which greatly improve the human body.

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