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Turkey's 557-year-old roofless mosque!

The gentle breeze through the open roof of this mosque thrills the worshippers!

The Dhaka Times Desk The roofless mosque looks like an Eidgah. This fancy mosque is located in the northeastern Kardgar region of Turkey. This mosque has been roofless for 557 years!

তুরস্কের ৫৫৭ বছরের প্রাচীন ছাদহীন মসজিদ! 1

No plan or action was ever taken to build a roof on this mosque. The worshipers are praying in that mosque without a roof.

What is the reason for such roofless? It is said that the gentle breeze through the open roof of this mosque thrills the worshippers. The mosque's exceptional two minarets give the mosque a spiritual look. The floor of the mosque is completely covered with green grass. However, the mosque is surrounded by a slightly elevated enclosure. This mosque is located on the provincial border of Gomush Khana and Travzon in Turkey. The height of this mosque is 800 meters above sea level.

It is known that every summer travel lovers visit Travzon, Jerson, Gomash Khana, Kardga resort with their families. Travelers like to offer Friday prayers in this 557-year-old and historic mosque.

Roofless mosque worshipers how to pray? In this regard, Imam Akif Yazji of the mosque said, "Darul Ifta" in the region appoints a temporary imam for the mosque during the summer months.

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