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Hitler's love: love that turned into terrible hatred!

The boy then spends his free time painting on the side of the road. He also earns two or four paise from these

The Dhaka Times Desk Let me tell you a story from a long time ago. true story A love story from 111 years ago. A one sided love story. Year 1906. One day in Vienna, seeing a painter sitting on the side of the road, a girl took a hobby and went to paint herself. Unknowingly, the artist sitting on the street fell in love while painting the picture of the impossibly beautiful girl. Love at first sight! The girl's age was 16, and the artist?? 18.

হিটলারের প্রেম: যে প্রেম রূপ নিয়েছিল ভয়ংকর বিদ্বেষে! 1

The artist's dream was to become a great painter. Admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. The boy then spends his free time painting on the side of the road. He also earns two or four paise from these. And the girl's father was a rich Jewish businessman. The artist's heart is loving, he tells the girl he loves. After all the boy is #dfallen… the girl doesn't say yes or no. The boy sometimes went and sat in front of the girl's house. For a glimpse. These are very simple but universal forms of love. As the girl is the daughter of a rich businessman. So he lives in a large mahal type house, surrounded by high ceilings. Huge iron gate. We are the same as we see in Bengali dramas. Sometimes the boy would let his pet dog into the house through the gate. There was a love letter in the dog's mouth. The boy's mother took the dog with him when he came to Vienna. The dog was the last gift given by the mother! Because the boy never met his mother again. The boy's mother died. The girl's family comes to the notice of a boy's wanderings. The boy is a street boy. The boy has no future. On top of that, no Jews. Therefore, this relationship cannot be accepted at all. not possible The boy is forbidden to come in front of the house.

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But does love around the world listen to someone else's ban?

The boy would see the girl from a distance whenever he got the chance. Love letters were sent regularly even if there was no reply. One day he sent the dog to the girl's house with a love letter. But the dog never came back. The boy waited all night, left in the morning. The next day he went in front of the girl's house again. He saw his beloved dog lying dead on the side of the road in front of the house. The dog was brutally killed. The boy came crying from the front of this house. He never went in front of this house. What that street boy did next is history. The boy has written the history of the last century with his own hand. Long after the boy died, the girl said that she loved the boy in her heart. Never dared to say. Stephanie as a teenager
The name of that girl from Vienna is Stephanie Isaac. And the boy's name is Adolf Hitler, who drew pictures of that street. Many historians believe that Hitler's murder of 6.3 million Jews in World War II was based on anti-Semitic sentiments caused by the trauma of Stephanie's love and passion. However, there is no doubt about the greed and stubbornness of the power that later prevailed. The currency of intense love can sometimes turn into intense blue hate at the end of the day!

The question is, who did Hitler love more? The dog is the mother's last gift to Stephanie.

Another thing, the love for the Jewish sixteenth Stephanie is supposed to be projected onto the Jews. Why is it reversed during Hitler's time?

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