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Germany kills 4 million chickens a year!

Since these chickens will not produce eggs. Therefore hatcheries suffer economically by raising them

The Dhaka Times Desk In different countries of the world, chickens are killed due to plague or various diseases. But in Germany, 4.5 million chickens are killed annually for trivial or unnecessary reasons.

জার্মানি বছরে সাড়ে ৪ কোটি মোরগ ছানা হত্যা করে! 1

According to international news media, chicks in Germany are being killed in the country's hatcheries. This number is not low at all. German news media Deutsche Welle reported that an average of 1,000 chickens are killed in Germany every day. As a result, the hatcheries are killing about 4.5 crore baby chicks every year.

Why are chickens being killed? The reason for this is that these chickens will not produce eggs. Therefore hatcheries suffer economically by raising them.

Again, because the meat of these chickens is not as good as broiler chickens, their market demand is very low. That is why the country's poultry traders are killing the chicks.

Meanwhile, animal protection activists including the government of the country are concerned about the mass killing of baby chickens. In this way, Germany has conducted several studies to reduce the killing of chicks. The country's researchers have already found a way.

The initiative has been taken to test the eggs produced without mass killing the chickens and release them to the German market. Therefore, the researchers first want to know whether the chicks that will hatch from the eggs are roosters or chickens.

To this end, a group of researchers from the University of Leipzig, funded by the German Ministry of Agriculture, has also discovered a new method that can be used to test an egg to determine whether it will hatch into a rooster or a hen.

In this new method, the egg shell is tested by making a small leak and extracting some liquid. After this test, it can be understood that this egg will hatch into a rooster or a chick. And then those chicken eggs will be separated.

In this regard, last Thursday in Berlin, the German capital, Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner said, from now on, chickens will no longer be allowed to be killed.

Because in this way it is possible to produce high quality animal feed from the egg which is known as chicken. She will not be allowed to have any more children.

According to Yulia Klöckner, this method has already been used in several hatcheries in the country.

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