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Tunisia gave women equal rights in property

The country made history by being the first Arab country to make such a declaration

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time in the world that Tunisia has given women equal rights in property. The country has created a history by being the first Arab country to make such a declaration.

সম্পত্তিতে নারীকে সমঅধিকার দিলো তিউনিশিয়া 1

Tunisia officially announced women's equal rights to inherit property. The country has created history by being the first Arab country to make such a declaration.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Tunisia approved a law on this matter last Friday. Accordingly, male and female members of the family will henceforth inherit equal amounts of property, a stark exception to Islamic law. However, before this controversial law becomes effective, the law must be passed after scrutiny by the country's parliament.

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi first expressed his desire to enact such a law at an event marking International Women's Day in August 2017.

However, after his announcement, many Muslims have been protesting against this law. The reason is that this law goes against the rules mentioned in the Holy Quran. Al-Qur'an states that a man will inherit property equal to two women. That is, a woman will get half the wealth of a man.

However, according to Essebsi, citizens should have the opportunity to decide whether or not to follow Sharia law on inheritance. It is not right to impose it.

At that time Esebsi also formed a committee called 'Individual Liberty and Equality Committee'. The commission was tasked with proposing the necessary reforms to the country's legal system in order to give the Tunisian people greater freedom.

Tunisia is a relatively progressive Arab country. Tunisian President Essebsi said that he wants to advance that progress.

According to him, he wants to ensure the rights of the people as per the constitution of the country through the Gender Equality Act. Because the constitution states, the Tunisian state is based on these 3 elements – citizenship, the will of the people and the rule of law.

But despite Essebsi's emphasis on gender equality for the public, a survey conducted by the International Republican Institute after his speech in 2017 found that 63 percent of Tanzanians, including 52 percent of women, were against equal property rights!

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