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LinkSure network is coming to provide free WiFi services worldwide!

The Chinese company Linksure is going to provide free WiFi facilities to the people of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, the internet has gained great popularity in every country. However, slowness, occasional disconnections and high cost make internet usage a hassle. And if this internet is continuously available at high speed, it is also completely free. So how would it be?

বিশ্বব্যাপী ফ্রি ওয়াইফাই সেবা দিতে আসছে লিঙ্কশিওর নেটওয়ার্ক! 1

Keeping all such thoughts in mind, the Chinese company Linksure Network has undertaken a huge project to advance the people of the world in the Internet world. The main objective of this project is to provide free WiFi facility to the people of the world. The company has taken this initiative to challenge the technology giants Google and SpaceX.

They will basically provide free WiFi services worldwide through satellite. The company started its journey in 2013 with the hope that everyone can get uninterrupted internet access from any part of the world. They will use 272 satellites to provide free internet services. The first satellite will be launched next year. Then in 2020 will send 10 more satellites. Thus, by 2026, a total of 272 satellites will be installed in space to ensure free WiFi services worldwide.

To use this internet, you have to login to the internet service provider through mobile phone. Then you have to connect to WiFi from there. This facility can be availed from anywhere in the world.
This network will be available even in areas where telecom companies cannot reach their network. Wang Jingjien, chief executive of LinkSure Networks, said that our company is investing 43.14 million US dollars (3 billion yuan) in this plan.

According to a 2017 United Nations statistic, at least 3.9 billion people around the world are deprived of internet service. Currently, many organizations around the world such as Google, SpaceX, OneWeb and Telesat are implementing satellite projects to provide free internet. However, after the introduction of this facility, the number of people deprived of internet services may be reduced to zero.

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