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Millionaire by listening to others' thoughts!

A middle-aged 'uncle' is organized by a Japanese businessman

The Dhaka Times Desk Listening to the thoughts of others or a person became a millionaire! How is he business again? Can it ever happen again? But such an event really happened in reality!

অন্যের মনের কথা শুনেই কোটিপতি! 1

Listening to the thoughts of others or a person became a millionaire! How is he business again? Can it ever happen again? But such an event really happened in reality!

Many times it happens that there is no one to listen to us or we cannot find someone to talk to. The reason is that everyone is very busy in this competitive world.

And that's why a middle-aged 'uncle' is organized by a Japanese businessman, his name is Takanobu Nishimoto. He started a niche online service in 2012. Where, anyone can hire 'Ossan' for an hour. Just to speak their minds. The cost will be like 800 rupees in Bangladeshi currency. The Japanese word 'Ossan' means 'Uncle'.

Speaking to the country's popular newspaper 'The Japanese Times', Takanobu Nishimoto said that he was overwhelmed by the response to his service everywhere.

Takanobu Nishimoto also reported that in many cases Ossan helped his client move house. Sometimes someone's boyfriend also decorated.

He said that for the first 3 years, Takanobu Nishimoto himself met with Ossan Sage clients. His first client was an 88-year-old woman. whom Takanobu still meets at least once a week.

'Ossan Rental' is now so popular in Japan that Takanobu Nishimoto cannot handle this company alone. That is why many people are engaging in this service. But before using it, take detailed information about them. And the first condition to be an 'uncle' is that the job seeker must be middle aged.

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