The Dhaka Times
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A village that two marriages are mandatory!

The story of a remote village in Rajasthan, India

The Dhaka Times Desk It is really surprising to hear about such incidents. As happened in our neighboring country India. There is a village where two marriages are compulsory for men!

এমন এক গ্রাম যে গ্রামে দুই বিয়ে বাধ্যতামূলক! 1

We all know marriage is a social bond. Marriage is also called a legal contract. Through which conjugal relationship is established between two people. But except for two or four cases, most people have only one marriage. But perhaps we have never heard that two marriages are considered auspicious. In order to live in a village it is compulsory for men to marry twice.

Today's incident is not a distant incident. The case of our neighboring country India. The story of a remote village in Rajasthan, India. Derasar is a small village in Rajasthan near the India-Pakistan border. It is the custom in this village that men marry twice. It does not cause any social or legal problems. If not, there will be big social problems.

Now surely the question may arise why such a custom in this village? So let's find out the answer today.

About 600 people live in this Derasar village. The village is mainly a Muslim dominated area. There are about 70 families in total. The claim of the villagers is that every family has traditionally been following this custom of marriage for a long time.

Boys are forced to marry a second time by their families. The villagers claimed that earlier, as many men married in the village, none of them had any children from their first wife. So men had to marry a second time. The child was born in the womb of the second party's wife.

Such incidents have been happening for a long time in this Derasar village. Then the villagers accepted that as a custom. This is still happening in this village. However, no one has been able to give an accurate explanation of this incident so far.

According to the villagers, many people wait for a child for a long time after their first marriage, there are many such examples. So getting married for the second time is considered a good omen in this village. That is why two marriages have become the custom of this village. So this tradition has been going on in Derasar village for ages.

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