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Australia will kill cats to save birds!

A research report published in the journal Biological Conversation says

The Dhaka Times Desk Australia will kill cats to save birds! It's only natural that one would be surprised by such a headline. But such events are happening in this world!

অস্ট্রেলিয়া পাখি বাঁচাতে গিয়ে বিড়াল হত্যা করবে! 1

According to a CNN report, feral and pet cats kill more than 1 million birds in Australia every day. Because of that, many species of birds in the country are currently on the verge of extinction. Therefore, the Australian government has decided to kill at least two million cats by the year 2020. The complaint against these cats is that they kill a large number of birds.

According to a research report published in the journal Biological Conversation, wild cats kill 31.5 million birds and domestic cats kill 60 million birds every year in the country.

For the sake of saving birds, it seems better to kill cats in this way. In some parts of Australia, people have even been urged to come forward to kill cats, according to media reports.

A $10 reward has been announced for every cat skull in the north-eastern state of Queensland. However, the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) strongly condemned the decision.

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