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Some home tips to remove dead skin cells

Dead cells need to be removed to make the skin attractive and graceful

The Dhaka Times Desk. To maintain our beauty, the first part that we need to take care of is the skin. New cells are constantly being created in this skin, and old cells are dying. If these dead cells are not removed from the skin in time, the beauty of the skin is lost. Today we will know how to remove dead skin cells.

ত্বকের মৃত কোষ দূর করার কিছু ঘরোয়া টিপস 1

There are many expensive face scrubbers available in the market to remove these dead skin cells. But if you want, you can make a face scrubber at home at low cost. Today we will discuss some face scrubbers that can be made at home.

1. You can make a beautiful face scrubber with the help of coffee, sugar, olive oil and vitamin E capsules. First, make a paste by mixing half a cup of coffee with half a cup of sugar, 2 spoons of olive oil and 3 vitamin E capsules together in a bowl. Apply this paste well on the face and wait for 10 minutes and wash it off. Antioxidants present in coffee enhance skin beauty and sugar removes dead skin cells. And olive oil and vitamin E nourish the skin and make the skin beautiful.

2. Another beautiful paste can be made with sea salt, olive oil and essential oils. For this, mix together 1 cup of sea salt, half cup of olive oil, 10-15 drops of essential oil. Apply this mixed paste on the face and massage it for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. The minerals present in sea salt increase the blood circulation in the skin by meeting the nutritional needs of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes brighter.

3. Yogurt can be used to remove dead cells. Yogurt not only removes dead cells from the skin but also restores the skin's lost moisture. As a result, the risk of skin aging at an early age is reduced. To make this paste, mix 1 spoon of curd with half cup of olive oil, 1 spoon of honey and 3 spoons of sugar. Then apply this paste on the face and massage well for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water after massaging. Now your skin will be glowing and luscious.

4. A mixture of egg whites and honey is one of the ways to remove dead cells. And to make this method more effective, you can add lemon juice to it. It is good for oily skin. Apply the mask all over the face and wash it off after 10-15 minutes.

5. Mix honey and sunflower oil together. Now scrub this mixture on the skin twice a week. It will remove the dead skin cells and the skin will be attractive and graceful.

So start taking care of your skin today. And make yourself attractive and beautiful skin.

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