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Be careful: avoid dengue

Along with common people, doctors are also in trouble due to this dengue symptom change

The Dhaka Times Desk Dengue is one of the most common diseases in our country. Every year during the rainy season the effect of dengue is visible in our country due to which common people are in trouble. But this year the epidemic of dengue has doubled. Be careful - avoid dengue.

সতর্ক হোন: ডেঙ্গু থেকে বাঁচুন 1

According to a survey of the control room of the health department, 7763 people were admitted to the hospital due to dengue disease since January. It is also known that 473 people were infected in 24 hours. Many of us are aware and aware about the epidemic and symptoms of dengue. But the most alarming thing recently is that this year there have been several changes in the type and symptoms of dengue fever which are beyond our understanding. As a result, those who could easily detect the disease are no longer able to do so as a result of this change. Due to this, patients are delaying going to the doctor thinking that it is a normal fever and the patient's risk is increasing day by day.

Along with common people, doctors are also in trouble due to this dengue symptom change. Due to these two to three days of fever, many doctors are giving temporary treatment to the patients considering it to be a mild fever due to which the outbreak of dengue in our country has become an epidemic.

All of us especially patients need to be aware and take right action at right time to save from this dengue.

Suppose you go to the doctor after 3 to 4 days of fever. Depending on the time and circumstances, the doctor may give you a Dengue NS1 antigen test, along with a Complete Blood Count (CBC) to test for dengue. Due to your laziness and busyness, you took the test on the 5th day of fever, but the test did not catch you dengue. On the other hand your CBC has platelets 30-35k/cm, hematocrit 45% approx. Doctor, along with this, your eyes are also rolling. So the doctor gave you the wrong test and the wrong treatment? No!

It's not the doctor's fault, it's your fault. Surprised? Then please listen:

Doctor prescribed test Dengue NS1 Antigen test positive within first 3 days of fever which you did on 5th day. Due to this time difference, if you have dengue it will come negative. Many of us show the 5th day test report even on 8th/9th day due to which there are many complications in our proper treatment of dengue.

সতর্ক হোন: ডেঙ্গু থেকে বাঁচুন 2

We need to increase our awareness so that such complications do not happen. Our doctor has to tell us the exact time that the fever is for how many days or what date. As a result, the doctor can tell us which test we will get the correct information. With proper examination we can easily get a proper understanding of our disease. After 4 to 6 days of fever we have to do Dengue IgG & IgM test which is a bit expensive. So we all should seek medical advice and care as soon as we get fever. If you are infected with dengue, do not panic and give proper treatment to the patient. Dengue patients should undergo regular CBC tests as prescribed by the doctor. One thing we must keep in mind while treating a dengue patient is that the patient should be brought along at the time of showing the report. Many times dengue patient's condition cannot be understood by looking at Sudhu report.

We already know that dengue has come in a new form, so don't panic if the doctor gives you CBC test, kidney failure test, ACG test and other tests. As a result of recently expanded dengue syndrome, organ failure, platelet depletion, acute respiratory syndrome, pleural effusion, liver failure, kidney failure, and other neurological problems are easily seen.
Although the incidence of dengue has increased in our country recently, the death rate due to dengue in our country is lower than many neighboring countries. Above all, we all need to be careful. We have to keep our house clean. Care must be taken so that water does not freeze around us. We have to pay special attention to children. As soon as the fever occurs, we should take the treatment as per the doctor's advice.

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