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Pakistani pop singer wants to blow up Modi with a suicide bomb!

There is a war going on between Pakistan and India

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a war going on between Pakistan and India. The whole world is looking towards these two countries. India has come under heavy criticism. However, stars have also joined in this criticism. They have been criticizing India in various ways. Stars are speaking against India in different ways. Many Pakistani stars are on the list of critics. In such a situation, a Pakistani pop singer threatened to blow up Modi with a suicide bomb!

মোদীকে আত্মঘাতি বোমা মেরে উড়িয়ে দিতে চান পাকিস্তানি পপ গায়িকা! 1

There is a war going on between Pakistan and India. The whole world is looking towards these two countries. India has come under heavy criticism. However, stars have also joined in this criticism. They have been criticizing India in various ways. Stars are speaking against India in different ways. Many Pakistani stars are on the list of critics. In such a situation, a Pakistani pop singer threatened to blow up Modi with a suicide bomb!

According to a report by Yahoo News, this Pakistani singer and actress threatened to present a poisonous snake to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi by posting a video on social media last month. After this incident, the singer and actress faced severe criticism along with an arrest warrant issued by a court in Lahore. Calling herself a Kashmiri girl, this Pakistani star compared Modi with Hitler and threatened suicide attacks.

According to a report in the media, recently after posting a picture wearing a suicide vest on Twitter, that picture went viral. However, Ravi later deleted the picture after being criticized again. Indian netizens termed this activity as ridiculous, saying that he is basically tarnishing the image of Pakistan by posting such pictures.

It should be noted that after the cancellation of Article 370 of the Constitution on August 5 and the withdrawal of the special status of Kashmir, several Pakistani stars including Shoaib Akhtar criticized the Pakistan government as well as the Modi government. Ravi Peerzada was no exception. However, this singer and actress Ravi Peerzada faced criticism in her own country for the style and language of her protest.

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