The Dhaka Times
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Malala's 'Gul Makai' finally released

If all goes well, the film will hit theaters today (January 31).

The Dhaka Times Desk Malala Yousafzai's biopic 'Gul Makai', which has been stuck for a long time after the completion of the film. Malala's 'Gul Makai' biopic is finally going to be released. The work of the film has been completed long ago. But the release was delayed. The good news came in the new year, Gul Makai, the biopic of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, is finally going to be released. If all goes well, the film will hit theaters today (January 31).

অবশেষে মুক্তি পাচ্ছে মালালার ‘গুল মাকাই’ 1

Malala Yousafzai's biopic 'Gul Makai', which has been stuck for a long time after the completion of the film. Malala's 'Gul Makai' biopic is finally going to be released. The work of the film has been completed long ago. But the release was delayed. The good news came in the new year, Gul Makai, the biopic of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, is finally going to be released. If all goes well, the film will hit theaters today (January 31).

The film is directed by Amjad Khan. The producer is Sanjay Singla. Jayanthilal Gada and Techno Films jointly presented. Actress Reem Shaikh played the role of Malala. Popular actors like Divya Dutt, Atul Kulkarni, Pankaj Tripathi, Mukesh Rishi will also be seen.

The director's statement about the film is that Gul Makai will tell the story of what happened to Ziauddin Yusuf's family in 2009 when the terrorist Taliban ruled the White Valley of Pakistan. Sharia law was forced upon this family at that time.

It should be noted that Ziauddin Yousafzai's daughter Malala opened her mouth on BBC Urdu website under the pseudonym Gulshan Makai against the constant torture of them in Pakistan's White Valley. He also spoke out against international terrorist organizations. She also advocated for women's freedom and other rights. The whole world stood by him at that time.

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