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Did you know long-term obesity increases your risk of heart disease?

The Dhaka Times Desk Obesity can cause many diseases in your body but due to your obesity your health is most at risk of heart disease. A recent study found that being overweight over time increases your risk of heart disease.

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A new study has shown that people who are obese for a long time are more likely to develop heart disease such as heart attack and stroke.

Jared Reiss, the head of the research team, said, "This is very worrying because the current generation has been obese for a long time from a very young age, as a result of which they have an increased chance of developing complex heart disease."

He added, “This is the first study in obese healthy people to show that those who have been obese for a long time have an increased risk of heart disease. As a result of maintaining an obese body for a long time, these patients are affected by heart disease very silently. In this case, the patient does not even get any prognosis.

American Heart Association cardiologist Mariel Joseph said, “If we look at a group of healthy Americans, most of them are young adults and children. Now obesity has become an epidemic among the youth, which is a depressing situation for our future generations.”

Research shows that 1 out of 3 people in America are suffering from obesity, experts say that among these obese people, there is a record of heart disease, type-2 diabetes and various types of cancer.

Jared Reiss and his research team studied 3,300 white and African American people over a period of almost 25 years. The participants in the study were between the ages of 18 and 30 in the mid-1980s. These people have been researched for about 20 years and all kinds of information such as body weight, smoking amount, mental state, blood pressure and other physiological issues of these people have been collected on the computer.

The full research report was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The report states:

• As healthy people maintain their weight, their risk of heart disease and other diseases increases each year. Besides, if these obese people do smoking, alcohol, diet etc irregularly then their risk of disease increases many times.

• People who are overweight for a long time and who have excess belly fat are more likely to develop type-2 diabetes and have an increased risk of cancer. Also, high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease.

Meanwhile, when your weight is normal, according to the American Heart Association:

• Will supply your body with blood more quickly.
• Fluid levels in your body will be properly regulated.
• You will be safe from the risk of type-2 diabetes, cancer and various heart diseases.

Source: USA Today.

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