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Fenugreek has many properties including making hair dry!

Fenugreek helps in darkening the hair by bringing back the lost melanin in the hair

The Dhaka Times Desk Fenugreek is something that contains essential minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium etc. There are many properties hidden in fenugreek, which can relieve you from many problems.

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From weight loss to premature hair growth, fenugreek cures many problems with ease. Let's find out what benefits fenugreek can offer:

To eliminate premature hair growth

Fenugreek is especially effective in preventing premature graying of hair. Fenugreek helps in darkening the hair by bringing back the lost melanin in the hair.

How to use - Take one spoon of fenugreek powder, one spoon of amla powder and enough water. Now mix the powder of fenugreek and amlaki well. A thick paste should be made by mixing enough water in it. Now apply this paste all over your hair. Keep it for half an hour and wash it well. You can use this method once a week.

Reduces weight

Fenugreek contains vitamin B-6, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which are especially helpful in weight control. Fenugreek suppresses the urge to overeat and the fiber in it also helps in controlling body weight. Moreover, fenugreek increases metabolism in the body and improves digestion, due to which it helps to lose excess weight from the body.

Fenugreek improves digestion

Fiber in fenugreek also helps improve digestion. So similarly if fenugreek water soaked overnight can be consumed, then digestion problems will be removed.

Fenugreek regulates blood pressure

First boil 2 spoons of fenugreek water. Now take the fenugreek seeds out of the water and grind them. Now eat it in the morning on an empty stomach. This diet is very effective in controlling high blood pressure. Potassium and fiber in fenugreek are especially helpful in controlling high blood pressure.

Keeps the heart healthy

This fenugreek keeps the heart healthy by keeping away the bad effects of acid from the body. So fenugreek seeds should be soaked in water overnight and drink that water on an empty stomach the next morning. This will keep your heart healthy and fresh.

Fenugreek lowers cholesterol

This fenugreek also helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels from the blood. Not only this, fenugreek also protects the body from possible damage due to bad cholesterol. So fenugreek is an essential ingredient in your daily diet. A glass of fenugreek soaked water can be taken every morning on an empty stomach. You will benefit from it.

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