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Travel: Visit Putni Island in Sundarbans

Putney Island or Putney Island. Dwipchar is another name of this island to local residents

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know about Sundarbans. However, many people do not know about this Putni Island of Sundarbans. So you can also visit Putni Island in Sundarbans.

ভ্রমণ: ঘুরে আসুন সুন্দরবনের পুটনী দ্বীপ 1

Putni Dwip or Putni Island is the name of an island located in the beautiful Sundarbans of Khulna district. Dwipchar is another name of this island to local residents. On one side is the horizon of the ocean and on the other side is the dense forest with green grassy deserts and winding canals. In one word, Putney Island is a wonderful place. With low tide, the whole area is completely floating and once again the sand dunes are seen in a different form. The late afternoon sun sets here on the estuary of Arpangasiya River and Bay of Bengal.

Being a deer and fish sanctuary, Putni Island is not much frequented by fishermen and common people. However, many locals come to Putney Island occasionally to collect crabs. Although deer and fish roam the jungles and canals of this island, it is known that there is no tiger problem here.

how to go

You must take permission from the Forest Department to visit Putney Island. In this case, you have to contact Mongla Forest Department office or Hiron Point Forest Department office for permission. You can go to Putni Island via Dublar Char or Hiron Point by trawler from Mongla in Bagerhat with permission.

where will you stay

There is no overnight accommodation in Putney Island. If you want to stay camping, you have to set up the tent in a place where the tidal water does not reach. You can also stay in a trawler if you wish. Tourist accommodation is also available at Neelkamal at Hiran Point, Kachikhali at Tiger Point and Katkay forest division rest houses.

where to eat

If you can do the necessary shopping from Mongla, then you don't have to worry about eating on the trawler or on the island.

Some important tips about Putney Island

# is basically not possible to go to Putney Island by big launch, so you have to hire a trawler without considering the alternative.
# Due to low traffic, this route is unknown to many people, so you should take trawler with experienced and known driver.
# It is wise to avoid visiting Putney Island during monsoons.
# Travel with sufficient water and emergency medicine.


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