The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Mutton Jali Kebab

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid items today. Eid must have some exceptional items besides korma-polao. Accordingly today's item is Marton Jali Kebab.

Young and tender steak Mart


  • # Beef Mince 500 gms
  • # ginger and garlic juice 2 tsp
  • # lemon juice 1 tsp
  • # chopped onion 2 tbsp
  • # Raw Chilli Crushed 1 tsp
  • # coriander and mint leaves chopped 1 tsp
  • # bread flour 1/2 cup
  • # Toast Biscuit Powder 1/2 cup
  • # eggs 3
  • # Gura Masala 2 tsp
  • # testing salt and salt content
  • Soybean oil 1 cup for frying # kebabs.
  • Method:

    First, wash the minced meat well in water and squeeze it with a clean cloth to drain the water. Then take a plastic/steel bowl and mix all the ingredients well and make 10 small balls. Then mix the Golla biscuit powder and press it with your hands to make it thin and round. Beat the egg in a bowl and soak the food in the egg and fry in hot oil. After frying, serve hot. Remember to add an egg while mixing the mince.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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