The Dhaka Times Desk It's surprising, but it's true that nowadays people show more sympathy when they beat a person than when they see a dog being beaten! This has emerged in a recent American study.
Jack Levine and Arnold Arluck, professors of sociology at America's Northeastern University, conducted a survey of 240 men and women on empathy for humans and dogs. All the members who participated in the survey are university students aged between 18 and 25 years.
All those who participated in the survey were taught the news of beating adult humans from 1 to 6 years old and also the news of beating a 6-year-old domesticated dog. Surprisingly, most of the members who participated in the survey showed more sympathy after reading the news of beating dogs!
After reading each type of news, readers are asked to rate the sympathy of the news. But here it is seen that participants rated the most sympathy for news stories about beating children, dogs and puppies. But surprisingly they are not so sympathetic when it comes to beating adults!
Researcher Levin said, “Studies show that we do not show as much empathy to humans as we do to pets. "
He also said, “One thing to consider here is that people show a lot of compassion for the helpless, because even though adults can defend themselves, helpless pets and children cannot. This may be the reason why the results of the survey have come like this. "
Source: Science 20.