The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Kids Tiffin- Oval Burgers

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's item is also for kids. Since school has opened, an item for school children is the Oval Burger.

Oval Burgers

Mothers have no end of trouble to give tiffin to their children. Kids don't even want to eat the same tiffin every day. If he does not eat again, he will develop nutritional deficiency. And so you can give the necessary food to the child by making bahari tiffin of various flavors. It will make the child interested in food.


  • # Oval Shape Bon 1
  • # Chicken Mince 1 cup
  • # Tomato Sauce 1 Tbsp
  • # ginger and garlic paste 1 tsp
  • # cornflour powder ½ cup
  • # egg 1
  • # mayonnaise 1 tbsp
  • # like oil and salt quantity
  • the method

    Mix chicken mince, ginger, garlic, sauce, beaten half of egg and salt and roll it into a cookie shape in cornflakes powder, dip it in egg and fry it well in little oil. Now cut the bon in the middle with a knife, put mayonnaise in two and put the cocklet inside and make a burger with cucumber and lettuce leaves. If necessary, you can decorate with any boiled vegetables.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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