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Father's time depends on the formation of the child's character!

The Dhaka Times Desk Children of fathers who work long hours become disengaged and exhibit aggressive and delinquent behavior. A recent study showed this.


Research shows that fathers who work more than 55 hours a week are more likely to have aggressive and delinquent children. The study was conducted among 1,400 children. However, there was no psychological effect of the daughter on the father's preoccupation.

Researchers are now continuing to investigate why fathers' work hours have such an effect on children and why boys and girls behave differently in the same field. In addition, researchers are also continuing to research on what can be the remedy.

A social organization in Berlin carried out the study, but as the context of the study, the researchers adopted Western Australia as the ideal, where one in five fathers work more than 55 hours a week. However, a 2011 study in Germany found that 151 TP3T fathers with 3- to 4-year-old children worked more than 55 hours per week.

On the other hand, this study did not show any psychological effect of children on the work time of their mothers.

Dr. Jiangzong Li, a researcher at the Berlin Social Research Institute, said, "The reason for this is that if the father is busy with his work for a long time, he cannot take care of his child, resulting in various problems among the children. Children have a different concept of father, which is used in a different sense.”

He added, "Boys are at greater risk of engaging in aggressive and criminal behavior without parental monitoring than girls."

The study looked at 1,400 children specifically when they were 5, 8, and 10 years old.

"Recently, children and fathers are spending more time with each other than ever before," said Dr. Lee. However, the fact that father and son give time to each other is still not enough.

Meanwhile, this study directly challenges people's previous idea that if mothers work outside without giving time to their children, the children will not be human. In this case, it is clear that parents have equal responsibility in raising children and shaping their character.

Source: The Daily Mail.

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