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Black jam reduces the risk of diabetes

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the tension with diabetes. However, eating more fruits, especially black berries, apples, grapes, reduces the risk of diabetes. Recently, a study in the British Medical Journal said this.


Studies have shown that, where any other fruit reduces the risk of diabetes by 2 percent, black jam reduces the risk by 26 percent. However, fruit juice is not as effective as fruit. Doctors in the United States have tested whether eating fruit increases the risk of diabetes or whether it is related to eating fruit.

The study found that 6.5 percent of people had diabetes that improved. Participants in the study were asked about their dietary habits every four years. In terms of how often they eat or how much fruit they eat, most people eat fruit most of the time. In the study, black jam, grape, peach, potato, orange fruit, banana, melon, pear, strawberry fruit were taken as samples in the study.

Studies have shown that eating blackberries, grapes or three slices of apple a week can reduce the risk of diabetes. Source: BBC.

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