The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Chicken Salad Sandwich

The Dhaka Times Desk Breakfast items include chicken salad sandwiches. Hope this item will be useful for everyone.

Chicken Salad Sandwich


  • # chicken mince cooked 1 cup
  • # Bandha Kopi Kucha Half Cup
  • # tomato slices 2
  • # white pepper powder 1 tsp
  • # mayonnaise half cup
  • # Lettuce leaves 6
  • # bread slices 12
  • # butter half cup
  • # Salt to taste
  • the method

    Remove the skin of the chicken and boil the meat in water with carrots, onions and salt. When the meat is boiled, take it out of the water and remove the bones and cut it into small slices. Now mix all other ingredients except bread, tomatoes, lettuce leaves and make sandwich filling. Now butter the slices of bread and sandwich them with whole tomatoes and lettuce leaves. Slice the bread around the edges and then cut the corners to serve the sandwich.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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