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From now on, the body temperature can be controlled with the bracelet

The Dhaka Times Desk Our body and skin can respond very quickly to the rise in outside temperature. MIT with this in mind Created by a group of students Wristify bracelet which is able to regulate human body temperature.


The newly developed Wristify bracelet will have an attached thermometer and will also have a separate copper alloy heat transfer basin. It looks a lot like a wristwatch and is worn like a wristwatch.

The inventors said that this Wristify bracelet is able to increase or decrease the temperature of the human body. Which can be very beneficial to us during winter or summer. The temperature of the Wristify bracelet will be controlled depending on the external environment and it will apply more or less heat to the arm of the human body resulting in variations in body temperature.

Researchers have said that the heat given to the body through Wristify bracelet is very small, but the effect of heat on the human body is very extensive because our body is very sensitive to more or less heat.


Wristify bracelet will work on two sided thermal conditions as the body temperature increases i.e. the body heats up but it will apply a very mild amount of cooling to the arm and the body will respond to that heat and take its temperature to a secondary state. If the body is cold, then this Wristify bracelet will give a warm feeling on the wrist, so our sensitive skin will spread it on the whole body. This Wristify bracelet will work to keep the body in a normal state during this process.

Wristify bracelet works very much in the same process as in our village Bengal in winter, we light the fire with both hands.


This Wristify bracelet inventor team of MIT thinks that very soon their invented product will start to be used by people. All over the world, many people spend a lot of money and energy to keep their body cool or warm, which can be greatly reduced by Wristify bracelet.

Note that every year MIT organizes a technology competition and the first place winners are awarded a prize of $10,000. This year Wristify bracelet won the award.

Reference: The TechJournal

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