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Development partners, including ADB and the World Bank, are concerned about the political situation

Dhaka Times Report. ADB has been closely observing the strike-strike that has started across the country recently over the disappearance of a leader of the opposition party. That is why they may specifically request the political parties to sit for dialogue through Dutiyali very soon to avoid conflict, reliable sources said.
এডিবি বিশ্ব ব্যাংকসহ উন্নয়ন সহযোগিরা রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি নিয়ে উদ্বিগ্ন 1
It is known that the Asian Development Bank has expressed concern over the political situation. They feel that the caretaker government system that the opposition is demanding for the next elections could lead to further political conflict over the issue in the future. As a result, the economy will suffer. At the same time development activities will also be disrupted. However, ADB is ready to provide assistance in the coming budget. Before this, they want to know the update of the results of the meeting with various ministries and departments in April. Regarding the preparation of sector-based assistance, especially from 2013 to 2015, a meeting with more than 20 ministries and departments is going to be held today on May 9 with the economic relations department of Sher-e-Bangla city, according to related sources.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has already visited Bangladesh. Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee visited at the same time. Both of them called upon political parties to engage in dialogue. Development partner countries and donor organizations are closely monitoring who will respond to this call. Because they are well aware about the politics of Bangladesh. They know very well that the politics of Bangladesh is for the people, and in some cases, the politics of this country is affected by the hateful activities of individuals. Therefore, development aid countries and donor organizations are skeptical about Bangladesh's political parties sitting in dialogue.

Meanwhile, in today's meeting, various projects financed by the Asian Development Bank and the development of various sectors will be reviewed. However, comments may be sought regarding the report prepared by ADB before that. These include macroeconomic conditions, regional cooperation, budget management in the road sector, budget support, climate change projects, energy sector, public-private partnerships, social security, good governance and several other issues.

It is said that ADB is providing assistance to establish good governance. However, they want to see the Anti-Corruption Commission as a strong and independent institution. At present, ADB has sent several reports to the government in the past on corruption. But ADB is quite disappointed that it did not get the desired result. They feel that transparency should be brought in project management to reduce corruption. At the same time, increasing efficiency in the implementation of government plans, bringing transparency in procurement from the local level to the highest level. That is why ADB has expressed its interest in supporting some more projects for good governance institutions.

ADB believes that the key challenges facing the government are electricity, gas, roads, railways, ports. Besides skilled manpower, technical assistance, rapid urbanization, inadequate urban services, natural calamities. They also identified finance, agriculture, natural gas, private sector development, education, urban development as important sectors of the government. In the financial sector, they suggested adequate financing for infrastructure development, small and medium industries, micro credit, business financing, stock market improvement through reforms. However, they have developed an action plan to support various sectors. Through which the plan will continue to provide support till 2015.

It is known that ADB has expressed interest in providing budget support in the coming budget. ADB believes that budgets are now under pressure. Especially, due to the increase in the price of fuel oil and fertilizer in the international market, the government has to buy these products at a higher price. At the same time huge amount of subsidy has to be paid. Also, the government has to take loans from the banking system to meet its regular expenditure. This does not look positive for the economy. In addition, the government is struggling to balance the budget and foreign exchange due to the decrease in foreign aid. That is why ADB has expressed interest in financing the government through various programs.

According to a source, from 2012 to 2015, a priority plan of ADB's total loan assistance for agriculture, natural resources, education, energy, transportation, urban development will be finalized in today's meeting. However, before that, on April 19, ADB held a round table meeting on Bangladesh program assistance. It is expected that detailed discussions and decisions can be made today in continuation of that meeting.

But whatever happens, foreign aid is essential in the current budget. Although the current government has been very far away from ADB or World Bank dependent budget from the beginning. However, in view of the actual situation, economists feel that it is absolutely necessary to ensure foreign aid in this year's budget.

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