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9,000-year-old paintings depicting warnings of eruptions have been discovered

The Dhaka Times Desk An ancient human painting from a 9,000-year-old colony of Turkey has been recovered, warning of the eruption of Mount Hasan, 80 kilometers away from the site.


Researchers are already carrying out more detailed studies on this image, but it is precisely in this image that the eruption of Mount Hassan at that time is carefully described. At that time, there were not so many media as now, so people were warned by drawing pictures to make them aware of the imminent danger.

This picture of brown with red was painted with a mixture of sand, clay and water. Axel Schmitt, an eruption expert at the University of California, said the picture was painted at the time or at the same time as the historical origin of the Mount Hassan eruption.


The image shows that about 9,000 years ago today, there was a terrible explosion and eruption in the area. This figure closely matches that of carbon 14. Carbon 14 paintings were also painted warning people about 1,000 years ago.

Meanwhile, since receiving the image, researcher Axel Schmitt has been wondering whether Mt Hassan had erupted in the past or at what point in history it was active. Mount Hasan Hill is also known as Hasan Dag. Its height is 10,672 feet which is the second highest mountain in Antalya region.


Neolithic colonization of Turkey took place between 5,700 and 7,700 BC, and the painting is considered to date from this period. At that time, approximately 10,000 people lived together in mud huts. Last year, UNESCO declared the colony and the region a World Heritage Site.

Source: Dailymail
