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Three important tasks after virus attack on PC

The Dhaka Times Desk The first thing to do when your computer is infected with a virus is to kill the virus. A lot of work remains after the virus is killed. If your antivirus catches the virus before it does any damage, you're safe but if it's too late, you're in for a lot of trouble.


Change password:


You usually log into your mail account, important bank account and various social networking sites and many other important sites with your computer. You should change the passwords of these sites when your computer is infected with a virus, otherwise viruses can use various third party software to automatically change all your account passwords without your knowledge!

To do this, if necessary, log into your accounts with any other good computer (that is not infected with viruses) and change the password. You will also select a strong and unique password for the security of your account. Enable mobile verification pass if necessary. and LastPass for Chrome or Firefox browsers Use a strong password manager.

Make sure the virus is actually removed:


Once your computer is infected with a virus it can do whatever it pleases with your computer! For example, some viruses are automatic rootkit It installs a kind of software and hides behind it. Many types of Trojan viruses open the floodgates The name will give you a strange signal.

So you need to make sure that the virus is really gone. You cannot rest assured by scanning with just one antivirus. You should scan with several antiviruses, it may seem like a hassle but you should do it for maximum security. One thing you can do for that is VirusTotal, which files were infected with viruses You can scan it by uploading it on the website, it is a Google recognized website. Here you can upload files of maximum 64 megabytes.

But it would be best if you keep a proper backup and format the entire PC during a fresh Windows install!

Find out how the virus got there:


After cleaning your computer from viruses, your task is to further improve your computer's security system. If you haven't used an antivirus before, turn on the antivirus now. Windows comes with an antivirus called Windows Defender by default which is very weak. If you want to use free then avast is the best antivirus for you. And if you want to buy and use, you can use eset, kasparsky.

Using Java? Java is the most vulnerable aspect of computer security. If you want to use Java exclusively, please disable the browser's Java plugins. Also check other browser plugins to see if any are out of date, then update them.

Keep your operating system and web browser updated regularly.

Do not install any software just by clicking one after another. Each time you click, read a little harder to see exactly what you're installing. Avoid pirated software. Do not open any file that comes in your mail spam box, close your eyes and delete it!

Do not allow anyone to insert a pen drive into your computer port. Be sure to scan the pen drive with antivirus before opening it.

If you can't figure out exactly how the virus got there, because everything seems fine to you, then there's not much else to do. Just need to be a little more cautious.

Reference: How-To Geek

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