The Dhaka Times
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A destruction is going on. We must come forward unitedly to protect the garment industry

The Dhaka Times Desk An ominous signal has come down in the postal industry. All the political parties of the country should come forward to protect this industry.


In Ashulia, the situation has become heated again with labor protests. Many garment factories in this area have been closed. Incidents of labor unrest are happening almost every day.

# workers-police clash 2 dead, many injured

# announces holiday in half a hundred factories

# domestic-foreign conspiracy behind the scenes

# Millions of workers fear unemployment

On Tuesday morning, the workers protested in Konabari with 11-point demands, including increasing the piece rate. At that time, when they gathered and blocked the Dhaka-Tangail highway, there was a chase and a clash with the police. Police fired tearshells and rubber bullets to bring the situation under control. After handling the situation, 8 platoons of BGB were deployed along with additional police. Meanwhile, most factories in Gazipur have been declared closed to avoid unpleasant situations.

Meanwhile, on Monday afternoon, workers of GMX factory in Saradaganj area of Kashimpur attacked and vandalized the factory demanding higher wages. When the police fired rubber bullets to disperse them, they pelted the workers with bricks. At least 15 workers were injured in the clash. Badshah Mia and Ruma Akhter died on the way to various hospitals after rescuing the injured. Besides, another woman worker named Nasima has been sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital for better treatment.

Due to ongoing labor unrest, garment workers came to the streets demanding wage hike in Jamgara, Beran, Nishchinpur, Narsinghpur, Palashbari, Zirab areas of Ashulia industrial area from Tuesday morning. At that time, the angry workers threw bricks and stones at various factories and the authorities announced closure of the factories due to the fear of sabotage. Agitated workers tried to block the Abdullahpur-Bypail highway, but were prevented by the police. When the agitated workers attacked the police, the area turned into a battleground due to frequent clashes between the two sides.

In such a situation, the garment industry owners are worried. According to him, an organized class is leading the destruction of the garment industry of this country. Meanwhile, the owners have drawn the attention of related law enforcement agencies including government intelligence agencies.

Foreign buyers are losing interest in investing in Bangladesh due to the stagnation of the garment industry in recent times. Due to creation of proper working environment and constant labor dissatisfaction, a chaos has descended in this garment industry. Experts believe that it is necessary to take strict measures by the owners, workers and government agencies to protect the garment industry of the country.

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