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Alien moon found outside the solar system!

The Dhaka Times Desk Astronomical progress does not stop. As a result of the tireless work of investigative astronomers, the boundaries of the universe are shrinking day by day. Many planets have been discovered beyond the boundaries of the solar system. The planets we previously published are the 10 most interesting planets discovered outside the solar system I knew by writing the title. Recently the first outside the solar system Alien Moon or the moon Astronomers claimed the discovery.


University of Notre Dame Its scientists have asserted the discovery of the first satellite or moon outside the solar system in the current study. Planets discovered outside the solar system are called alien planet The same goes for satellites Alien Moon is called Although it is called alien, it does not mean that there are aliens or alien creatures. An alien moon is a satellite found outside the Solar System or our heliocentric planetary system. Astronomers call them exomoons Or alien moon Introducing by name.

Researchers observed a planet-like object orbiting a relatively large planet. It is relatively close to the solar system. The distance between the two objects is measured to be 1800 light years. Note that the distance that light can travel in 1 year is called one light year. The object around which the other revolves is considered a planet. Its mass is 4 times more than the mass of Jupiter. The alien moon is about half the mass of our Earth. If the researchers' findings are accurate, this would be the first alien moon or exomoon in astronomy.

Astronomers are skeptical about the discovered alien moon. However, they believe, if it is not an alien moon, their method will be useful in the next search.

References: The Tech Journal

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