The Dhaka Times
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The decision to postpone the strike-hit JSC-JDC exams has not yet been taken

The Dhaka Times Desk The decision to postpone the JSC-JDC exam, which is affected by the 72-hour strike called by Jamaat-e-Islami, has not yet been decided. This exam is scheduled to start from November 2.

JSC-JDC exam & Hartal

Due to the 3-day 72-hour hartal called to protest the hanging of Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Matiur Rahman Nizami, no decision has been taken till yesterday to postpone the JSC and JDC exams to be started from November 2. But the decision may be made today. The JSC and JDC exams have become uncertain due to the strike. Parents and students are worried.

In the inter-ministerial preparation meeting regarding the proper conduct of the Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations in the meeting room of the Ministry of Education in the Secretariat, the Education Minister told reporters that no decision has been taken so far regarding postponing the examination. Any decision regarding postponing the exam will be informed at a later date. The Education Minister also said that a review committee has been constituted to conduct the examination properly and to prevent the leakage of question papers.

Jamaat-e-Islami has called a nation-wide hartal today Thursday, next Sunday and Monday in protest against the execution order of Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Matiur Rahman Nizami in the case of crimes against humanity.

It is known that this year 20 lakh 90 thousand 692 students of class VIII across the country are expected to participate in this examination. From the year 2010, students of class VIII across the country have been giving the JSC examination together. On the other hand, the JDC exam has started from the year 2011.

It is to be noted that last year also due to the strike, JSC and JDC exams started on November 7 instead of November 4. Since there was no hartal strike in the country this year, everyone was free from fear about their children. But in the end it didn't happen anymore.

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