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Road accident in Cox's Bazar. Killed 8 Injured 14

Cox's Bazar Representative Eight people were killed and 14 injured in a road accident in Ukhia, Cox's Bazar on Thursday morning.

Cox Bazar

According to details, two jeeps collided head-on at Ukhia in Cox's Bazar. 5 people were killed on the spot. 3 others later died while being taken to the hospital. Locals said that this accident happened around 8:30 am today.

An eyewitness named Afchar said that the two jeeps were coming at high speed and suddenly overturned in a head-on collision with a loud noise. At this time, a heart-wrenching situation arose. He was shocked to see so many people suffering from accidents together. However, the local people came and helped to take the injured to the hospital. Apart from 8 people killed in this incident, at least 14 people were injured. The injured were immediately taken to a local hospital.

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