The Dhaka Times
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Egg sale 38! Chicken eggs are being imported from Thailand to meet the shortage

Dhaka Times Report. Recently, the price of eggs in the market has increased abnormally. To meet the shortage of eggs, the government has decided to import chicken eggs from Thailand.
ডিমের হালি ৩৮ ! ঘাটতি পূরণ করতে থাইল্যান্ড থেকে মুরগির ডিম আমদানি করা হচ্ছে 1
It is known that the Ministry of Livestock has expressed no objection regarding the import of 8 crore chicken eggs. Now the Ministry of Commerce will give formal permission. Permission is being prepared. Two establishments have received permission to import eggs. Bay Agro sought permission to import 3 crore pieces and Pacific Poultry & Hatchery 5 crore pieces. Both these institutions will import eggs from Thailand.

Egg market is very expensive now

The price of one Hali farm egg is 38 rupees. The government has decided to open the import of eggs to bring down the price. In 2010, when the price of eggs increased, the traders proposed to import eggs. However, at that time poultry sector organizations opposed the importation. At one point the price of eggs came back to a bearable level.

There is a demand of about 65 crore eggs per month. But egg production is 50 to 52 million pieces. Both companies are going to import eggs for the first time in the current financial year. Breeders Association of Bangladesh commented that the price of eggs is increasing in the market due to the shortage of production due to bird flu.

It should be noted that most of the non-vegetarian and nutritious foods of our country are adulterated and the common people of the country are being deprived of nutritious food. Malnutrition-related diseases especially among children are prevalent. Eggs alone are one of the most nutritious foods without adulteration. Every thing including fish and meat becomes inedible due to adulteration. Since eggs cannot be adulterated, these eggs are still playing a special role in the non-nutrition of children and adolescents. But in recent times due to price hike it has gone beyond the purchasing range of the general public.

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